New apartment- just 10 days away!

It is just 10 days until I move out of my family home (with my mother and sister, one other sister has moved to Perth, Western Australia). I had a bit of a ‘moment’ the other day when I realised that I’ve been so bogged down in packing boxes and organising my things, that I somehow got tunnel vision and forgot about the reason for the move- to become a teacher!

I am feeling a little emotional about the move, mainly because I am so excited. The family I am leaving, particularly my Mum, I think are a little emotional. I am just so excited about the big move, but to be honest, on the day I think it will creep up on me.

Another part of me isn’t seeing this as a ‘moving out’ type thing. I’m only 1.5hrs down the road and I can come visit whenever I please (and they will come see me).

So much to do!
